Why the Use
of UVC Germicidal
Listed below are some of the common question about Germicidal UVC
Why UVC Germicidal
Watch the video for a quick summary of the effectiveness of UVC disinfection lamps.
Basic principles are:
The law of convection moves air from the lower half of the room to the upper half over 20 air exchanges.
A UVC germicidal lamp is placed at ceiling height and emits a narrow band of light that covers the entire ceiling, capturing 100% of the air.
Its patented design ensures that no UVC light is directed downwards, allowing normal activities to take place.

Why our UVC Luminaires are Safe

Through our patented design, our prism and louvre ensure that a narrow beam of UVC light is safely emitted, covering the entire ceiling.
No light is emitted downwards from the ceiling.
Tested at the Institute for Light Science and Technology
University of Pretoria, South Africa

99.9% effective in breaking down the DNA & RNA of Viruses and Bacteria

Over 20 air cycles per hour moving from lower half to the upper half - through law of convection

100% of the air is captured as the air moves upwards to ceiling height

Placed at ceiling height a narrow band of light is emitted, with no light shines downwards

Rooms normal HVAC systems can function providing hot and cool air that does not escape, that saves energy
Some Common Question about UVC
Listed below are some of the answers provided in the use
of UVC Germicidal Luminaires
UVC Germicidal Fixtures increase the value of all air conditioning and air-circulating systems by:
Maximizing system efficiency
Prolonging blower life
Providing healthier air to breathe
Treating air that passes through an HVAC unit with ultraviolet light will reduce, or eliminate, DNA-based airborne contaminants (bacteria, viruses, mold spores, yeast, protozoa), and provide much healthier air to breathe. UVC Germicidal Fixtures are a labor-free solution that will not harm occupants, equipment, or furnishings because they produce no ozone or secondary contaminants. For more than 80 years, tens of thousands have been safely installed in hospitals, clinics, processing plants, commercial offices, manufacturing sites and other commercial facilities and multi-and single-family residences around the world.
The effectiveness of UVC light is based on the variables of time (length of exposure), intensity of the source (how "intense" the "light" is), and distance (how far the source is from the target). In addition, because different microorganisms require various levels of UVC for inactivation, there is not one answer on how long it may take to inactivate bacteria, as it comes down how the bacterial cell is built. The good news is bacteria and viruses are very susceptible to UVC energy, especially when compared to a spore former like C-diff.
The exposure of germicidal ultraviolet is the product of time and intensity. High intensities for a short period and low intensities for a long period are fundamentally equal in lethal action on the majority of microorganisms. The inverse square law applies to germicidal ultraviolet energy as it does to visible light: the intensity decreases as the distance from the lamps increases. The average bacteria will be inactivated in seconds or minutes depending on the intensity and proximity of the source
Long-term exposure of germicidal UVC light to plastics will shorten the shelf life of the plastic by approximately 10%. Example: If the plastic would normally last about ten years, and it's exposed to germicidal UVC light the entire time, it would probably need to be replaced in 9 years. Plant life may be damaged by direct, or reflected, germicidal ultraviolet rays. Transient dyes and colors may be faded from prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays.
The types of UV light includes UVA: UVA accounts for approximately 95 percent of the UV radiation reaching the Earth’s surface. It is responsible for tanning, skin aging, and wrinkling, and is an effective disinfectant for many common bacteria.
UVB: Most solar UVB is filtered by the atmosphere and is responsible for delayed skin burn and skin aging. It significantly promotes the development of skin cancer and is a highly effective disinfectant for many common bacteria.
UVC: This is the most biologically damaging type of UV radiation and is completely filtered by the atmosphere. It does not reach the Earth’s surface. It is extremely effective for both bacteria and viruses. GERMICIDAL UV LIGHTING
There are a number of studies, completed by Professor Ed Nardell, from Harvard University that prove the effectiveness of the use of UVC 254nm in air purification which are available above, The studies are Institutional Tuberculosis Transmission Controlled Trial of Upper Room Ultraviolet Air Disinfection: A Basis for New Dosing Guidelines: – Edward A. Nardell* and Air Disinfection for Airborne Infection Control with a Focus on COVID-19: Why Germicidal UV is Essential† Edward A. Nardell*
Safety guidelines can be found from the following sources: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health | World Health Organization | The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection | The Center for Disease Control
UVC disinfection applications, direct exposure to 254nm UVC radiation, given appropriate exposure time, will inactivate the DNA and RNA of microorganisms (such as bacteria, viruses, mold spores, yeast, and protozoa), rendering them "sterile" (unable to reproduce), which, in biological terms, results in a "dead" microorganism.
The level of disinfection is determined by the total amount of UVC energy a microorganism "sees." This is a "dosage." Dosage is a product of the intensity of UVC (expressed in microwatts per square centimeter) multiplied by exposure time. Mold spores are generally much more difficult to damage than microorganisms and viruses and, thus, require a much higher dosage of ultraviolet light.
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Ultraviolet light in the germicidal wavelength - 185-254 nanometers - renders the organisms sterile. When organisms can no longer reproduce, they die
Germicidal UVC lamps can be used in wall or ceiling-mounted fixtures suspended above the occupied space in a room, or within air ducts of re-circulating systems. The first method is called Upper Air Irradiation. The fixtures are designed so that the energy is directed only upwards toward the ceiling and out the sides. These upper-room germicidal fixtures are mounted at least 7.5 ft. above the floor so occupants are not exposed.
All types of UV light can inactivate bacteria with the correct direct exposure time and intensity. The UV- C spectrum is the only UV light proven to inactivate viruses and is believed to inactivate coronavirus, but can be dangerous to humans when directly exposed.
Over exposure to Skin of germicidal wavelengths can produce skin reddening and skin cancer and direct exposure of the eye to germicidal wavelengths can produce serious vision problems, Through our patented design, no UVC light shines downwards the Luminaire’s are placed at ceiling height, which means no exposure of light emitting downwards which allows normal activities below.
In hospitals and healthcare systems that are highly concerned with infections, particularly bacterial and viral infections. In hot spot areas such as canteens, medical infection wards, where there is a high risk of cross contamination. In Schools and Universities to protect teachers and students and ensure that students don´t infect there parents upon return.
In Gyms and Libraries or any public area where there is a high risk of infection being spread
As it is placed at ceiling height and no UVC light is emitted downwards TECHNILAMP UVC Lumniares patented design ensure a safe indoor space